On March 16, 1996, Our wonderful father, Phonse Synyard committed suicide. After years of
torement and pain. Him and mom seperated in October of 1994, leaving Dad behind to deal with the pain of losing his family.
Things weren't always bright in dad's eyes. He was a hard worker, and took pride in alot of things, never cryed, never told
anyone how he really felt. He knew things at home just wasn't working for him, him and mom was always fighting, dad was always
drinking. So They called it quits one day. Me and Allison started a new life in Branch with Mom,making new friends, starting
a new school, in our world things were ok. In Dad's World things were falling apart. The emptyness and pain grew day by day,
Some Say people die of a broken heart, Well It took me awile to realize they were right, when you lose your kids you lose
everything. I personally believe that dad felt that because we were in Branch we were lost to him. I'ts taken awaile to set
in that someone we loved could have done this selfish act of death, but knowing Dad and his Pride you would understand why
this happened. I will go on chearishing his memory and telling his grandkids about him, I know that where he's at he
is watching us.
Phonse, was a very special and loving person. He was kind and sensitive with a witty sense of humor.
He loved fishing, hunting and he's most favorite the Black Horse.
Dad was a pretty humerous person, he loved everyone and everyone loved him., he has come close to dealth
a few times but nothing until now. I'am sure that everyone rcmp officier in Holyrood Knew dad very well., I remember
when I was small, a policee officer called the house and said to mom that they just fished dad out of the pond
because his car ended up there, we bring him home tomorrow Mrs.Synyard just letting you know he is with us, or the time dad
taught it would be real funny to paint his sticker's on the licence plate black, that was the colour they were that year,
dad taught he was getting off pretty cheap, not paying for it so i paint it. It never took long for the police to find out
and come looking for him. The stuff he done was unreal but funny. that's memories that will always remain with us.
The Funeral was uunbearable, however we had alot of support. Ed McEvoy Sang which was pretty good,
The church was full and outside you still had people lined off just to listen to the cemorony, It was a day alot of people
lost a good friend, drinking buddy, and a family member. The Crew of the Sir Eldon, helped out alot and there kindness will
always be remembered. We don't know what we do without them. Dad was laid to rest in riverhead, with roses threw in on him
we said our final good-bye. I know that Dad has to be in a better place than this, I just hope that he is happy and watching
over us. There will never be another phonse no one else can match him, but phonse will always be with us.
My favorite memories of dad was going in woods on the rig to get some wood, things that most dad's
does with their sons, well in dad's eyes I was the son he alway wanted. I remember when i was little waiting home in the window,
waiting for dad to come home from the boats, you see him going with all his gear, Dad had a heart of gold, anything
me or allison ever wanted he tryed his darnest to get. We were never without anything, Dad always made sure of that. His girls
meant everything to him and he was a proud father who would give his life for us. We had alot of laughs growing up in
Mall bay, but we also had alot of tears. Dad always made sure that his family was protected, looking back
at the years gone bye , I know that dad would be very proud of us today, we have our own families now, ,and we
realize the importance of being together and nomatter what we always be there for eachother. Dad might not get to see his
grandkids, but I know where he is he sees them and is death proud of all of them, His memory will continue to be a part of
our kids and they will know about their grandfather and like us will be proud of him. Beneath the pain and hurt dad
still continues in us and that's something to be cherished in our kids. Someone said to me one day at work that it does matter
what someone looks like, ot the way they act, a personality is the biggest most presious thing you can have, if you got a
good personality you have everything and everyone will respect you. That's true enough, with dad we all knew he had a good
one because of the friends he had.